Thursday, August 6, 2015

| 20/28 WINDdaYan **- ~~ DA LI MÈR ~~ _ ~~ DA LI MÈR ~~

| : refers to the first Moon of the YearCycle; it is followed by the cha||enge while || are two single persons .  the YEARKIN figure (after some wandering with trials)
NB recalculation gave DS112 Tzolkin64 => TreeKweak 176

Yellow Resonant Warrior
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Cardinal      Clan- Sky
Galactic Activation Portal
I channel in order to question
Inspiring fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of elegance
I am a galactic activation portal   enter me
Seal 16 Yellow Warrior Seal 17 Red Earth Seal 18 White Mirror Seal 19 Blue Storm Seal 20 Yellow Sun Seal 1 Red Dragon Seal 2 White Wind Seal 3 Blue Night Seal 4 Yellow Seed Seal 5 Red Serpent Seal 6 White WorldBridger Seal 7 Blue Hand Seal 8 Yellow Star Seal 9 Red Moon Seal 10 White Dog Seal 11 Blue Monkey Seal 12 Yellow Human Seal 13 Red Skywalker Seal 14 White Wizard Seal 15 Blue Eagle Tone 7 Resonant Tone 8 Galactic Tone 9 Solar Tone 10 Planetary Tone 11 Spectral Tone 12 Crystal Tone 13 Cosmic Tone 1 Magnetic Tone 2 Lunar Tone 3 Electric Tone 4 SelfExisting Tone 5 Overtone Tone 6 Rhythmic Tone 7 Resonant
counter clockwise wheel rotation

Kin 176
Harmonic 44: Resonant Output Express intelligence of attunement - Loom of 13 Moons Gap Kin
Moon Phase
The Dreamspell Prayer for Today by Starroot with Jose Arguelles - Valum Votan playing flute. (Hunab Ku image) Kin 176
Sat Sept 26, 2015

S'acec onsiders this as the outcome for tyhe year KIN

a signal from the readers side, quote
(Did you know that more and more people asks to learn about the kweak, specially because it helps to heal the pain of the past, and to live in peace with  themselves and the environment.)

ON 20/28 kweakteam sets free Holomind Perceiver clip UCN
Also the findamentels ngoverning Teams needs Maintenance by Development & De/Re-search in a Universe dwelling the Planets Will ..
joswé Arguelles, author of MaYan FacTor - plays a Flute

128 80 208 v ( august 10 , week 32 year 2015 )
129 81 210 T august 11, tuesday
130 82 212

DALIMER  effects
MÈR is sea for the VOICE~CHAKRA 5

donot hesitate to fill some comments as your add to the streamy cleansing

experience the bodily feedback .. and stream off by earth mass - twice - attuning the TWINsoul

each person becomes as a wolf .. in a choi
 that embarks the timespan exchanged for a noo

129   ]9 MOON{       ~~~   ]crystal 12{
solar moon is very interesting to see in astrodreamer
red solar moon reader
see this as a
TAo 9 => Feminine Essentials are also male bound
- no strict/exclusive domain for women as Tirans ;- )-

 81   ]1 DRAGON[   ~~~  }electric 3{

 here 3x3x3x3 & 9 phenomenon - greater arcana for kweak sport
passing the day is as travelling from TAo into Qi (study too)
The Dragon in service is in fact the governments agent to serve the people
(protect it against intruders as we could point them)

210   ]10'WOLFY[   ~~~  }lunar 2{   in  ~MOONWAVE~209~
no comment as trayning opportunity
on |~20/28 quite some clearings appear

82 (agayn 1 higher as return)
wind4 is essence to communicate; the voice is sounded by air pressured in unique articulated body
do not hesitate the most sacral queeste for a wish to be fulfilled

') the 11 toned star spectral should be ArcTurus ; 13 is VeGa - in authors world

note this kin 82 is suspected to follow kin42 , while tone is 1 higher
in another theoretic builderscodon , night 4 is after wind 3 ..
just playfully accept a game such as Human 13 kin52,
 seeing for Skywalker 1 (Reed, QuetzalCoatl)
QAs for my dreamspell kin 22 it can be night 10: manifesting intuition ..
KIN would be 23 also just 1 higher
Destiny for a human lifetime

White Self-Existing Wind
White Northern Castle of Crossing
Earth family- Core      Clan- Fire
I define in order to communicate
Measuring breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of endlessness
Seal 2 White Wind Seal 3 Blue Night Seal 4 Yellow Seed Seal 5 Red Serpent Seal 6 White WorldBridger Seal 7 Blue Hand Seal 8 Yellow Star Seal 9 Red Moon Seal 10 White Dog Seal 11 Blue Monkey Seal 12 Yellow Human Seal 13 Red Skywalker Seal 14 White Wizard Seal 15 Blue Eagle Seal 16 Yellow Warrior Seal 17 Red Earth Seal 18 White Mirror Seal 19 Blue Storm Seal 20 Yellow Sun Seal 1 Red Dragon Tone 4 SelfExisting Tone 5 Overtone Tone 6 Rhythmic Tone 7 Resonant Tone 8 Galactic Tone 9 Solar Tone 10 Planetary Tone 11 Spectral Tone 12 Crystal Tone 13 Cosmic Tone 1 Magnetic Tone 2 Lunar Tone 3 Electric 
counter clockwise wheel rotation

Kin 82
Harmonic 21: Rhythmic Input Inform flowering of equality

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