Thursday, July 23, 2015

04 SUNdaYan *-- TAo on these three days memorial

YaniQi SirVice
113 65 178  <<== moonday july 26  , the day after the parTY and reunion (some adds follow)
114 66 179
115 67 180

(somedays in advance as practical opportunity)

TAo / departure such as a valid command
resonates the Quetzal coatl seal SKYWALKER , which i assign to RAVENWALKER , a USA friend
it is still in 105, the SERPENT of LIFEFORCE (sex life integral part in that sensitive complex)
tone 8 is about integrity : be open and honest and sexlife flies from itself - and without shyness & power as taktical strife for being the leader : AYE both lead their way and rel-Y

TzuJanKeY FL8
Serpent seal 13 : COSMIC - presence - be in the NOW with your allies
the moonday startup needs an inspiration - can we pass one ?

Qi only goes on iQ - her intelligence Quotient
a Quotient is not meant to be zero of ONE - but when it happens understand its opportunitY
gives a MI|RROR that asks to be BROKEN in many fractals ..
do not pick anything from it //
go a way that calls - leave all things behind

TzuJanKeY is a gift from a friend and a girlfriend :
we share hangups in a HAY LOFT creative

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